Thursday, April 2, 2015

Share this viral cartoon: The Liberal Media's 'Wheel of Intolerance' exposes outrageous bigotry of the left

The liberal media, which once demanded "tolerance" for gays and members of the LGBT community, has now become militantly intolerant of all the other beliefs it doesn't like.

Christian-bashing now seems to be daily sport for the media. It's also politically acceptable to bash white men, Southerners, soldiers, veterans, homeschoolers and parents who avoid vaccines.

Why is no one calling out the leftist media's own bigotry and intolerance being expressed daily through its hate speech and militant attacks on innocent Americans who hold non-leftist beliefs?

As someone who truly practices universal tolerance of other people's religions, lifestyles and personal beliefs, I've decided I will not remain silent while the leftist media claims to occupy the moral high ground on "tolerance" but is actually practicing the very same sort of bigotry and intolerance it once opposed!

As I've stated before, if your "tolerance" isn't universally applied, it isn't tolerance at all. If intolerance is wrong when directed at gays, African-Americans, women or Latinos, why is that same intolerance somehow socially acceptable when it is directed against Christians, veterans, white people and pro-lifers?

Share this cartoon. Spread the word. Take a stand against leftist media bigotry, intimidation and intolerance. It's time to expose the gross contradictions of the leftist media which, it turns out, doesn't believe in "tolerance" at all. It actually believes in brutalizing and punishing those who don't sign on to its own agenda.

Please share this.

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